Recommendation to Parents

The school expects the Parents’ co-operation to ensure that:

  • The children are punctual, should come to school regularly, and are properly dressed.
  • The children’s text and exercise books are correctly labelled and brought to school as per the school timetable. These should be properly maintained.
  • Homework and practice exercises are regularly done and children follow an early to bed routine on weekdays.

Parents are also expected to abide by the School rules and take an active interest in the school activities.

Parents are informed that their children will be sent home for coming late to school after four recorded instances of being late.

Parents are requested to notify the school immediately if there is any change in the residential address, mobile number or travel arrangements.

When communicating with the Principal, parents are requested to mention the name, class and section of their child/children.

Any message for a teacher or student may be given to the school receptionist, who will be glad to pass it on to the person concerned. Only in an emergency, the teacher or student will be called, from the classroom.

Parents may not be allowed meet the students during school hours. In case a child has to be picked up during school hours e.g. for a doctor’s appointment, a leave application must be submitted in advance in order to obtain prior permission.

All articles found on the school premises will be placed in the lost and found box. Students may claim these during school hours. Please label all items (including clothing) belonging to your child. This would make it easier to trace the lost articles. Articles not claimed are given away to the needy at the end of the first term and at the end of the session.

As the medium of instruction in this school is English, parents are reminded that school will take adequate steps to ensure regular English Conversation at school. We expect a full cooperation from the parents in this regard.