Beyond Academics


Beyond just the benefits of physical activities,  sports and games encompass and enhance self esteem and mental alertness in kids. In addition to this, the bonus virtues are learning the life skills such as teamwork, patience and leadership. At Angels World School, sports are an important feature and each student gets a chance to excel in the field of his/her choice to show the potential an individual carries in oneself. Cricket, Basketball, Football, Fencing, Skating, Taekwondo etc. are all under one roof and are made accessible for the potential players. The Angelites have gone at the state level competitions to show their worth in these sports.


Daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly activities are designed in a professional manner, that give ample opportunities to our students to nourish their particular skills. The variety of activities include art & craft, stage, drama, dances, singing etc. These activities boost up the confidence level of the kids since they find an appropriate platform to showcase their talents. Furthermore, activities based on literary skills keep them connected with the languages and art of expression.

Club activities

We have science, math, social science, sport, music etc clubs through which various activities and rigorous debates/discussions will be held. Combined with modern technologies, subject matters at an international level will be discussed in the clubs. This would help the children to brush up his/her dormant talents and would potentially help them to choose their future study and/or career plans.


The sense to excel, win and lead come only with a competitive spirit which is inculcated at this delicate age. Presenting, performing, participating and winning give them confidence and they learn to deal with the failures as well, at times, when they realize that there is only one winner in a particular event. They are awarded with certificates and small goodies, after each competition to keep their morale boosted .


Educational and recreational trips, visits and outings work as a large frame of class room, away from traditional class rooms. Because they learn a lot more when they enjoy such sessions actively and responsibly under the supervision of their teachers. They are taken to Gurudwaras, gardens, recreational/adventurous forests, zoos and other places regularly, which at times breaks the monotony of busy schedules of the students as well as their mentors.

Social and Environmental Awareness

In order to be sensitive towards the society and the environment, the kids have to be sensitized towards the issues related to social and environmental problems. Thousands of activities are being conducted in this regard. The students are taken to slum areas, orphanage/old age homes on different occasions so that they could feel the problems of the ‘underprivileged’ and ‘have-nots’. During different festivals and occasions, the students are motivated to visit surrounding areas for donations/cleanliness campaigns and the ones who take the initiative for the same are honored in the morning assembly and their efforts are acknowledged on the Facebook page of the school. The purpose of this is to make kids grow up as responsible citizens of the future. Tree plantation drive is often covered under such themes which happens to be the best endeavor ever to save the ailing ‘Mother Earth’ which may not be possible without the hefty shoulders of the young generation.

Overall grooming

“Smart in studies, quick in decision making, stay physically active, leader in different fields, winner in competitions, totally aware of social and environmental issues,creative, intelligent, free of any fear, confident, outspoken at times, ready to face the challenges….”. Can we afford to skip any of these efficiency traits in our students these days when there is hefty competition around?!! The answer is No!! we cannot compromise over these issues. So, we at Angels World School, prepare the students to be “overall groomed personalities” which would make them rise high to the pinnacles and the destinations for the others to envy on them.