Discipline Norms

  • Always remembering that ‘Please’, ‘Thank You’ and ‘Sorry’ are the most beautiful words to put into practice.
  • The admission of a child to the school means complete acceptance by the Parents/Guardian of all school rules laid down/ amended from time to time. Rules are subject to change at the discretion of the school management.
  • Students are required to report to school before the first bell rings for morning assembly.
  • All children should come to school clean and tidy, and in well-ironed school uniform. Hair should be well combed and tidy. Nails should be trimmed regularly. Shoes should be well polished. If the child does not habitually adhere to the Uniform norms, he/she will be sent home.
  • All children should be particularly careful not to throw paper and garbage anywhere in the school premises. They should use the bins especially provided for this purpose. Polythene bags are strongly discouraged.
  • Students are required to speak in English while at school, both in the class room and in the playground.
  • No child is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal. The Gate Pass issued by the School Receptionist must be deposited with the School Guard before leaving.
  • Parents/Guardians are not allowed to visit the teachers in the class room. Prior appointment should be sought from the office.
  • ‘Politeness and good conduct ‘on the part of students is important. Counseling is done at regular intervals during assemblies in the school.
  • Abusive language, shouting and screaming are not allowed in the school premises.
  • Students are not allowed to come to school riding a scooter/ motorcycle or driving a four wheeler.